Life After Rehab: What to Expect and How to Help

After completing inpatient detoxification and rehabilitation, a person in recovery will return to their normal life. This includes work, family, friends, and hobbies. All these circles and events can trigger cravings and temptations. Research suggests that most relapses occur within the first 6 months after treatment.

Completing rehabilitation is a step forward in healing any broken relationship. When you finish a treatment program, it shows your loved ones that you are committed to living a sober life and giving up bad habits. They can see that you're getting to a healthier place and confidence can start to be restored. Like diabetes, asthma, or high blood pressure, addiction is a chronic disease.

Controlling it after leaving rehab requires lifestyle changes, regular visits to the doctor and, from time to time, changes in the treatment plan. A relapse could be a sign that it's time to take a new approach. Learn more about life after a relapse. The transition from an inpatient rehabilitation center to everyday life entails a number of challenges. The recovery process is a lifelong journey and alcohol rehabilitation is just the first step on the road to staying sober.

The next step after rehabilitation is to establish a recovery plan that reinforces the lessons you learned during rehabilitation. He went into treatment for the second time, he came to understand the value of “aftercare” much better. In her Heroes In Recovery story, she shares how she attended post-treatment and underwent a 12-step meeting in a big way, much more than she ever had before. She really worked the steps this time, had a great sponsor and started sponsoring others as well. This and ongoing therapy were his keys to success with long-term recovery.

Levels of temptation generally decrease when addicts are surrounded by others who are sober, and employ alternative ways of having fun. When rehabilitation ends, patients can return to drug-filled homes. If that is the case, a relapse could easily occur. Moving to a whole new neighborhood can hit the cravings reset button. New sights and opportunities to explore.

The new neighborhood may have fewer medicines available, or it may be different enough to ward off old memories as the new lifestyle is practiced. Life can get hectic and time demands can build and build. However, skipping follow-up appointments is not recommended. Work towards recovery must continue. Every date should be considered vital to long-term success in sobriety. It is important to find a time each and every day to do something positive.

A few moments of morning meditation, for example, could help clear the clouds of anxiety. This could give the person the peace they need for the rest of the day. Exercise also plays a key role. While researchers aren't quite sure how mental health and physical activity are related, findings indicate that levels of depression and anxiety may decrease when a person exercises regularly. Taking a walk with the dog, swimming a few lengths in the pool or lifting weights in the basement could improve the mood a little. Such actions could also help a person feel a little stronger and much healthier.

Addiction is a chronic disease. As a result, 40 to 60 percent of people in recovery relapse at least once. This does not mean that addiction treatment is not effective. It simply means that change is difficult. People in recovery must keep their guard up at all times if they want to stay sobriety. To begin with, it is useful to understand where personal vulnerability exists.

For some, feelings of sadness or loss can trigger a relapse. For others, a sense of happiness or power can trigger it. Whatever the trigger, those thoughts can spin in the brain. If they are entertained, they can grow stronger and stronger until a relapse occurs. Capturing and identifying those thoughts is key to stopping a relapse. Addiction is really a family disease.

Rehab Spot is here to help family members of people struggling with substance abuse. Helping a loved one after rehabilitation includes providing support and encouragement as they recover from addiction. However, setting limits and avoiding enablement is vital. After a loved one returns from rehab, families are likely to face a mix of emotions. While many just want things to return to normal, the recovery process (for the individual and the family) lasts a lifetime. When Your Loved One Comes Home, You're Not “Healed” Addictions must be faced on a daily basis. Think of recovery not as a final destination, but as a journey with the potential for missteps. However, there are many things you can do to help a loved one after rehab: Contacting treatment providers; Setting limits; Encouraging healthy habits; Keeping communication open; Understanding triggers; Knowing when relapse occurs; Providing support; Avoiding enablement; Understanding addiction as an illness; Creating an environment for success; Taking care of yourself; Knowing when professional help is needed. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has outlined four points that can best help a person in recovery: Set limits; Encourage healthy habits; Keep communication open; Understand triggers. Then once you've set limits you can encourage your loved one to adopt some healthy habits to avoid triggers Most 12-step groups (such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous) urge people to exercise and participate in activities that keep their minds busy. Keep communication open with your loved one...

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