How Long Should You Spend in Rehab for Addiction Recovery?

According to the Center for Medicare Advocacy, the average length of stay for inpatient rehabilitation is 12.4 days, but this includes joint replacement, stroke, and other types of rehabilitation. When choosing a program, it is important to focus on what will bring you the greatest chance of long-term success. Most addicted people need at least three months of treatment to stay sober and start an ongoing recovery plan. Research shows that better results occur with longer treatment durations.

Longer treatment programs may seem intimidating at first, but they may end up giving you the best results. The duration of drug treatment programs varies, not only for each person, but also for each treatment center. While a certain length of stay may be appropriate for one person, it may not be appropriate for another. Many treatment centers usually offer patients short stays of between 28 and 30 days.

However, some residential facilities may also offer extended stays for an additional fee, provided the patient shows positive signs of recovery. When deciding on a program to choose a rehab alcoholic, think about what would give you the best chance of long-term success. To get clean and start a long-term rehabilitation plan, most addicts require at least three months of rehabilitation. Longer treatment durations provide the best results, research shows. Longer treatment services for rehab alcoholics may seem overwhelming at first, but may be the most effective.

People interested in getting addiction help at a drug rehab center often worry about the average duration of addiction treatment. The length varies according to multiple circumstances, making it difficult to determine an exact average length. We can tell you that, on average, people stay on treatment between 30 and 90 days. Brief treatment that includes detoxification, therapy, and supportive care may be effective for some people, but treating substance use disorders is a complex process that can last for years. While it may seem desirable to get through rehabilitation as quickly as possible, research shows that extended rehabilitation stays lead to lower relapse rates.

According to statistics, the longer a person stays in treatment, the better the result. Program lengths range from 28 days to 90 days or more. Thirty days of treatment is just the beginning of giving a person a chance to fight his addiction. The first week or two spent on treatment is often just about acclimatizing and going through the withdrawal process. The real work doesn't begin until the person feels better enough to address some of the deepest emotional issues and lucid enough to assimilate all the information.

Consider extending treatment if possible beyond thirty. The amount of time a person spends on addiction treatment influences their ability to avoid relapse and maintain long-term sobriety. However, did you know that if you have private insurance, there is a strong chance that your insurance will fully cover your inpatient rehabilitation or one of the outpatient programs? When considering the different options you have regarding outpatient treatment or inpatient recovery, you should always take the time to call multiple rehabilitation centers and your insurance provider. Longer addiction rehabilitation programs also allow the patient more time to work with trained professionals to determine the most effective ways to understand and cope with their addiction. A 60-day program will give you more time to fully detoxify from drugs or alcohol and you will also begin to actively practice positive, healthy habits to help you stay sober. While it's essential to understand the different options you have for individualized treatment, another fundamental decision you'll make revolves around the amount of time you'll spend in rehabilitation. While the method used for detoxification may vary from center to center, it doesn't change the fact that it may take time to do it correctly, especially when treating addiction to substances that can have life-threatening withdrawal symptoms such as alcohol or benzodiazepines.

This program is great because it gives you more time to adjust to life without drugs or alcohol since it is the shortest period of time recommended for rehabilitation; it is easier to follow a 30-day program. It's easier to commit to a 30-day program because it's the shortest recommended period of time for rehabilitation. A 60-day alcoholic rehabilitation program will give you more time to fully detoxify from drugs or alcohol while allowing you to consciously continue practicing positive and safe behaviors that will help you maintain your long-term sobriety. The results found that participants who spent more than 90 days in rehabilitation were less likely to return to using illicit drugs or drinking heavily. However, long-term rehabilitation averages 90 days although longer stays are not uncommon in severe cases. Longer rehabilitation programs allow the patient to take the time needed to stop abusing a substance and learn more about the recovery process.

Rehabilitation facilities offer treatment in different settings and over various periods of time depending on the individual's needs; this decision should be made in conjunction with your treatment team.

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