What Percentage of People Who Go to Rehab Are Successful?

It is estimated that an impressive 43 percent of all people who go to drug rehabilitation successfully complete their treatment programs, while another 16 percent are transferred to other rehabilitation centers for additional treatment. Rehab success rates for those who complete drug and alcohol detoxification are 68 percent combined. This means that, overall, about half the time patients can maintain their sobriety. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) states that between 40 and 60 percent of patients in addiction treatment relapse.

This is similar to other chronic medical illnesses, as addiction requires ongoing care and symptoms may recur after treatment. Relapse does not always mean that treatment has failed; sometimes a person progresses a lot, but needs more time to fully heal. It is important to consider the number of people who are not treated first because of their addiction or alcoholism. In an inpatient drug rehabilitation program, patients stay on campus at the treatment center for as long as they want.

In an outpatient rehabilitation program, addicts will regularly come to a treatment center to meet with therapists and participate in group counseling sessions. Approximately 55% of participants who attended rehabilitation for a period of 30 days were able to refrain from relapse for a year or more. The study also found that clients who stay in rehab for 90 days (called long-term rehabilitation) are more likely to stay sober than those who stay on treatment for only 30 days. Regardless of the substance you choose, there is likely to be a rehab center that claims to treat your specific addiction.

The rehabilitation center offers a resort-like atmosphere, usually near a beach or in a location with stunning views of nature. Dual diagnosis treatment is incredibly important for people with addiction and co-occurring disorders, such as anxiety or depression. Sometimes they relapse, but they can sober up on their own because of the skills they learned in rehab. NIDA notes that “recovery from drug addiction is a long-term process and often requires multiple episodes of treatment.

Most people also need ongoing care after completing a drug rehabilitation program. Aftercare usually includes substance use counseling or support groups to keep the individual in touch with others who understand their struggle. As a result, 91% of heroin rehabilitation participants who are discharged after successfully completing an opioid detoxification program report relapse. Studies show that about 25% of people with cocaine addiction report having relapses after completing a standard rehabilitation program.

While it is difficult to find specific statistics on rehabilitation success rates, many studies show that certain approaches are effective for different addictions. Many rehabilitation programs track progress as people work on treatment, identify any problems, and ensure they are addressed.

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